Sunday, 16 April 2017

Maria Montessori has gradually built the complex of materials development. The success led her to expand the material and to develop a broad variety of preparation materials for culture, with the aim of providing tools suited to respond also to the psychological needs of older children.

The Montessori material, therefore, accompanies the child from the phase of the first sensory experiences to the conquest of writing and reading, to support him in contact with the first arithmetic secrets.

Then, again, the material can be a companion in exploring the laws that regulate the most advanced arithmetic, geometry, grammar, logical analysis. And finally, children can find useful support tools and guidance for in-depth explorations as part of the most diverse fields of knowledge, such as history, geography, botany, astronomy.

All materials that do not teach, but decide what you want to teach and make it suitable to be investigated and accepted easily by children.

The error control

Materials created for the first approaches are designed so that the error control is inherent in the material itself. This allows, even to a small child, to proceed independently by trial and error. In the following items when the sensory capabilities will be refined, it will be the same child to carry out self-correction through the perception of differences.

A starting point

Each material is designed so as to be a springboard for subsequent developments. Like an airplane uses the track to rise so the child can use the material to develop the basic skills that will allow then to range according to their interests.

The same material, so many different paths

How is it that the Montessori Learning Materials can be the appropriate response to the needs of all children, each of which has its character and skills, also greatly different from each other?
Every single material provides, within it, a range of activities and possible exploration. The child may find that it needs to meet the internal requirement is most pressing at that moment. In fact, each child makes use of the materials according to their individual needs about the sequence of activities and their duration, thus developing your personal path.

The free choice: a necessary condition

Knowledge is like gifts that every society handed down to his children. Through the Montessori material, such gifts could be acquired with joy and interest and then effortlessly. The child may come into contact with the culture, which becomes his, no contact of obligation and feelings of heaviness, but mostly without feeling that sense of strangeness present in many of our schools.

The conditional use is a must.

In fact, Kidadvance Montessori Learning Material scan adequately performs the functions for which it was designed, it is necessary that its use should be accompanied and supported by free choice. 

Only when the baby comes into contact with the material through his interest, it becomes an instrument of personal and cognitive development, whose tangible evidence is total, appropriate concentration shown by the child with quiet ease.

Then triggers a kind of virtuous circle that leads the child to deeper levels of experimentation, to enable more and more, his self-education skills and, at the same time, develop the interest in knowledge.

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